COVID-19 Treatment and Vaccine Updates Pt. 1 mid-June 2020
I have been quite busy with book writing, but here are a few updates, starting with Japan’s public health measures after lifting the...
Treatment and Vaccine Updates: A productive workplan between patented and generic?
As we get into late May and various countries are considering lifting lockdown, I’d like to post this weekend a brief overview of three...
(Quick update) Testing in Japan
It was announced on 13 May 2020 that Fujirebio had developed a testing kit that can measure seropositivity in 30 minutes and will be used...
Pt 2: Treatments Considered in Japan
In addition to fast-tracking Remdesivir[1], other treatments and vaccines are being explored in Japan. Globally, on 8 May, Japan pledged...
COVID-19 in Japan: Pt. 1 Osaka and Japan
In other news, Japan’s prolonged emergency state was recently announced to be reassessed on 14 May by an expert and the month will work...
Nutrition in Emergency Disease Response (Short comment)
A quick post to share an alternative view of nutrition, immune strength and metabolic syndrome in the COVID-19 response, since much of...
(Summary) Gilead’s Remdesivir
This is a brief update/summary post to follow up my first post on production capacity and Indian generics. Key to note is that...
Indian generics, hydroxychloroquine and production capacity in global emergency
Indian generics, hydroxychloroquine and production capacity in global emergency Indian generics are currently playing an important role...
Global Health: COVID-19 and HIV/AIDS
As a contemporary historian of the global AIDS response, I am interested in how societies across the world respond to epidemics. The...